Take one a Day

A photo-journal …

Category Archives: Project 366

Roses on my table

I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.

– Emma Goldman

Roses on my table

A simple comparison, but so true. The simple things in life are valued and treasured so much more than riches. My most treasured moments are certainly not about my possessions but things and deeds that have touched my heart.
Give me roses any day…

Dreams are renewable

“Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.”

– By Dr. Dale Turner

A toast to unlimited possibilities in 2012.

Happy New Year to all.

How great is it that we get to fulfil and renew some of our dreams again? I am looking forward to the year ahead. Many things are going to change in my life. It is somewhat scary but I am excited. My husband and I have been waiting for the opportunity to move to Cape Town and it is finally coming true. Let the adventure begin!
How about you, is there a dream coming true for you on the horizon? or has one of your dreams already come true. I would love to know…I am sure I’m not alone.